Tagged: banking job

know about the cfa

19 Facts You Need to Know About the CFA

So you’re thinking about getting the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, a qualification that is sometimes viewed as one of the world’s toughest tests. Before you dive in, here are some interesting facts to...

great resignation

The Great Resignation – Are You Ready?

Everyone’s talking about the “Great Resignation”, which is another unintended consequence of the pandemic. Millions are leaving their jobs. So many reasons have been touted: because of health concerns, a re-evaluation of life priorities,...

your employer is not your family

Your Employer is Not Your Family

Don’t get sucked in by the mission statement. Ignore the free lunches, the happy hour drinks, the fruit made available every Monday morning. The “shared vision” nonsense. Your employer is your employer. Your employer...

act intentionally

Act Intentionally

Many years ago, I worked in a bank function with a guy called Charles. He was always incredibly well turned out. A sharp suit, polished shoes, understated tie. And the firm handshake. Every bit...

stay in your job

When to Stay in Your job

There’s a lot of aspirational stuff on career sites like this. How to find a job, how to get promotion, how to pivot in your career, how to build a LinkedIn profile and so...

room to fail

Why There Must be Room to Fail

An important aspect of mastering your career and money situation revolves around making room to fail at times. Take your finances. True, a maxim of legendary investor Warren Buffett is, “Rule No.1: Never lose...