
This is a site about the world of banking. “Yawn” – that might be your initial response.

Bear with me…

It’s designed primarily for three kinds of needs:

  1. How to get into banking
  2. How to progress in banking
  3. How to escape banking – whether by choice or forced upon you

This is about the pros and cons of building a career in banking, and the pros and cons of leaving the industry.

And when I say “banking”, I’m really talking about the broader world of financial services / financial institutions.

But if this isn’t you, don’t let that stop you from reading on anyway. You might find some useful tidbits on how to navigate the world of work in general. We’ve all got to take responsibility for our careers.

There’s more to life than banking. Sort of.

You see, the government, “the Man” and your line manager sure aren’t going to be doing that. So why not pick up a few ideas here along your journey?

It might not be the most interesting field to some, but it holds a hell of a lot of sway in this world whether you like it or not.

As someone that has loved and hated the banking world in the UK, the US and Hong Kong, I’ve seen many changes in the industry. Some good, some not so good.

The global financial crisis, in particular, had a huge impact on how banks are run, how they generate money and how they are regulated. The fallout is still being felt today and many that lost their jobs back then have struggled to return to the world of banking.

That’s why we all need to remain vigilant, ready and adaptable to change. So this is a step-by-step approach to learning how to get a job, making yourself adaptable to the industry while you progress, and having the tools for when the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan.

Along the way, I’ve also trained as an Executive Coach and a CV (resume) writer. It’s given me a different perspective on banking careers.

This is the prism within which I have framed this site.

Welcome and read on.

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